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Mason's Patch

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Location: Bardwired Cluster, Taranaki, New Zealand

Monday, November 29, 2004

games review


I think the best game for PS2 is RAW VS SMACKDOWN. Then Need for Speed Underground. Then Grand Theft Auto St Angeles. I suppose that the new Crash Racing game is all right. Oh but I know one that’s really good and that’s Enter the Matrix.

The reason I like Raw VS Smack down is because of the graphics. There are the best of the old guys and the new guys. The best old guy is Andre the Giant. Then the best of the new guys is Ray Mysterio.

Enter The Matrix is good because it isn’t over the top like the second and third movie. It has got alright graphics and having a limited amount of focus is good.

Ps please write in and say what you think.

Monday, November 15, 2004

movie screen

Here is a shout out to all the people who watch movies. Who thought Lord of the Rings was good?. I did. Who thought Dare Devil was good?. I did. Who thought Harry Potter was good?. I did. Who thought City of Angels was good?. I did. But I didn’t like the ending. She was a bit silly. She didn’t need those pears any way. Who liked American Pie?. I did. A brilliant peace of comedy. Who liked Monty Python.? My favourite was the Holy Grail. Post a coment and say what you think.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Well no no you cant go working for sailors you don’t even know jack. You cant do that. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Its too dangerous. Dad if I don’t take this job who nose what could happen to us. Its good money. Just then they heard the phone. Ill get it called jacks mum. See dad that’s probably the bank now. Telling us we are bankrupt. No actually that was the paper shop owner jack you cant just. You just go to you’re room and think about. No go and do the wood be useful for a change and his dad kicked him in the bum. Jack ran out crying he felt he wasn’t needed. I'm going to to get that job and that that old sea captain of a father is going to except it. Later that night at midnight. Jack jumped out of his window and ran out. all he had was clothes and some money. He ran down to the dock. His eyes lit up. He felt he belonged here. The lights the sounds. But that isn’t what he was here for. It was that job. He ran down to the boarding dock. A big sign stood up help wanted on the ship of captain iron fist. he walked up on to the ship. A big man stepped out in front of him. Holt aren't you supposed to be at home. With you’re mummy. Sucking on a bottle and wearing dippers. Take that back you old sea pirate. jack said. Oh what you going to do. Tell you’re mummy you baby. Jack said. I tell you what. Ill give you a sword fight. If I win you let me through if you win. I will admit Im a weenie and go home. Ok pretty boy. He chucked a sword to jack. Then thrust his own sword at him barely missing jacks leg. Jack ran at him and they were engaged
In combat. They were going backwards into the wall. Jack thought if he stopped now he would be in mase trouble. Then all of a sudden a man jumped down and pushed the other guy out of the way. He was so fast Jack could only just block the thrashing he was taking. Then he fell over a barrel and nocked over a checks game. The two men who were playing picked him up and went to punch him. But the captain the stopped them. What are the means of you coming hare you little ship rat. Well I’ve come here for the job. What job. Oh that job. Year that’s the job for the crows nest. You have to have ruddy good eye sight for that. Like for instants you did’int see me coming did you. no but I blocked every single blow you gave me. Arr but you didn’t sea that barell did you. Well no I didn’t. So do you think you derisive that job up there I mean. What if you didn’t sea a rock and we went into it. No sir I don’t believe I derisive that job. It was a mistake coming sorry for wasting you’re time sir. Jack started to leave. Then the captain said. But what if there was no rocks…